Monday, March 23, 2009


Always it happens to everyone
some things wouldn't get over easily,
Makes them to shun
And stay put warily.

Hedges grown in-between
Watered and pruned consistently,
Looking over times umpteen
and ready to react instantly.

Bleeding inside wounds so sore
Wiping them multiplies more,
Pain rises to be even abhor
Bringing emotions to fore.

Hands of the clock goes
round and round to heal,
Fading to back the pains and woes
Like a run away wheel!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Land Of No Return

Comes and engulfs
taking to the land of no return.
Carrying only the self
leaving the ashes in the urn.

The cycle that ends
into the gate - one way
Breaking the ties that defends,
cry in vain as it flies away.

Images remain in thoughts
still alive and with in.
Binding thoughts with thoughts
knitting yarns of love, hard to win.

Grief succumbs to grief
gasping to come up again.
Life becomes brief
accumulating with no gain.

Past becomes present
un ending in loops
Heavy blow that descent
shattering the hopes.

The restrained gloom
pervades and fades.
Like the evading dews that bloom
till the sun shines on the blades.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The gadget
that makes you
dumb sometimes,
talkative sometimes,
always warming your pockets
with the necessary evil,
encouraging envy!

Signage of status!

Infringing your spaces......
personal and public
makes you wanted...
......or unwanted!
The browser
for every answer!
Instrument of quest!
Takes avatar
with a child
as play thing!

Silence overtaken by chaos
bundles of audio scraps
crisscross the living area
yet audible to millions!
Reaching sometimes
to the unreachables!
Boon or a bane?!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rising High?

Lying in the bed

Thoughts flying high

In the clouds and away,

I see myself.

Calm and quiet

On the surface......,

Turbulent underneath.

Is this my life?

Is this the picture I have painted?

With strokes of happiness and melancholy?

Of love and hatred?

Of sharing and loneliness?

Like the crumpled bed...

Creases of shabbiness

surround me as iam

drowing in quick sand.

Time flows past queitly

Shadows flicker past in random

Thoughts swim in this quagmire...

Some blatant and some refined

I still want to wake up

Conquer the planes

One by one

rising high

Tear the pages and redo the sums.

Empty the malice

and fill with the pure..........

Till I wake up!


The forlorne waits
The lights of the dawn and dusk bathing me...
Day in day out
Incessant waves lapping on my fins
Shimmering with the myriad scales
I yearn to see you.
Rocks away.... I wait
To feel your embrace
The hugs of the land
The distant sands
Invites me..
Knowing iam not the one to live there!


Always searching the epitome.....
Sacrificing the good
Cutting Bonds
Insinuating life with doubts
Momentarily happy with the steps
Doubting again.......
Fumbling deep with in
Trying to grab the void
Searching the sparkle...
Momentarily on the life span of a dew
Not knowing
Our lives are equal to the dew
Searching the epitome..........